KU Cancer Center recognized as a Comprehensive Cancer Center

The University of Kansas Cancer Center announced its designation as a “Comprehensive” cancer center by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on July 7, 2022. This is the highest level of recognition awarded by the NCI and this designation places KU in an elite group of only 53 cancer research centers whose mission is the “development and translation of scientific knowledge from promising laboratory discoveries into new treatments for cancer patients.”  NCI Comprehensive designation will expand resources for cancer research and will also benefit the region by increased access to the latest cancer fighting efforts. Molecular Biosciences faculty members are leaders in two of the three research programs of the KUCC.  Kristi Neufeld, Frank B. Tyler Professor of Cancer Research serves as co-leader of the Cancer Biology (CB) program, which uses model systems to identify targets for cancer therapy and analyze potential anti-cancer agents. Dan Dixon, Professor of molecular biosciences serves as co-leader of the Drug Discovery, Delivery and Experimental Therapeutics (D3ET) program, which uses strengths in drug discovery and development to bring new cancer treatments and diagnostics to patients.