Undergraduate Research
Research in MB
Our faculty often have opportunities for undergraduate research. Check out our faculty pages to find labs with interests that match your own.
Center for Undergraduate Research
At the Center for Undergraduate Research learn about campus-wide opportunities for undergraduate research, and talk to knowledgeable staff about how to get involved in research as an undergraduate.
Emerging Scholars
First-year students at KU have the opportunity to get paid research positions as Emerging Scholars.
Kansas INBRE Scholarships
The Kansas INBRE is a Statewide research training and mentoring program. If you are interested in research over the Summer or during the regular semester, reach out to your faculty research mentor about the potential to apply for a K-INBRE scholarship to support you research.
Beckman Scholars Program
The Beckman Scholars Program provides financial support for talented undergraduate researchers mentored by a set of faculty mentors in Molecular Biosciences and Chemistry. Appplications are competitive, and interested students should reach out to a faculty mentor to determine their eligibility.
The KU TRIO McNair Scholars Program
The KU TRIO McNair Scholars Program aims to assist students as they prepare for graduate school by offering a range of support services. Additionally, the program provides several opportunities for undergraduate research. Find out if you are eligible for this program on the KU McNair page.
REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)
Over the Summer MB hosts a number of students for our Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Funded by the NSF, the REU offers an intensive research experience over the Summer.