KU Molecular Biosciences
We are an interdisciplinary group of faculty who perform cutting edge research in a wide range of areas including biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, bioinformatics, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, immunology, microbiology, virology, neurobiology, molecular, cellular and developmental biology.
Department News

KU students to present at Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol
Undergraduate researchers from the University of Kansas Lawrence and Medical Center campuses will present their research projects Feb. 26 as part of Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.

KU nominates 4 students for Goldwater Scholarship
Four University of Kansas honors students who have been actively involved in undergraduate research during their university careers are competing for Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships, regarded as the premier undergraduate award to encourage excellence in science, engineering and mathematics.

NIH grant awarded to KU faculty
NIH National Institute on Aging grant awarded to KU faculty.

Undergraduate Students Mentored by MB Faculty Received Awards
Five Molecular Biosciences students received scholarships from the Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships

Graduate Program
Our graduate program in life sciences research is designed to provide world-class training in both the classroom and research laboratory to prepare students for the next stage of their careers.