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Grant Awarded to Discover Aging Genes

Stuart Macdonald received a new NIH National Institute on Aging award to execute large-scale studies to identify genes contributing to lifespan variation in fruit flies

Late Spring 2024 Travel Award Recipients

Molecular Biosciences students receive Travel Awards in Spring 2024

Study reveals same genes that can drive cancer also guide neural-circuit growth

In new research appearing in PLOS ONE, a KU professor of molecular biosciences and colleagues have added new specifics to the role oncogene Src plays in our biology, showing the gene is required for normal development of the nervous system. “It’s like the steering wheel of the axon that guides the…

Researchers in US, Ukraine simulate cell activity at ‘breathtaking’ timescales

A partnership between scientists at the University of Kansas and collaborators in Europe, including war-torn Ukraine, will result in computer models of biological cells likely to hasten health breakthroughs by simulating molecular interactions inside cells with near experimental accuracy at vastly…

MB Faculty Awarded a New Faculty Research Development Grant

Rosana Ferreira was awarded a Spring 2024 New Faculty Research Development Award by the KU Office of Research.

Spring 2024 Travel Award Recipients

Two Molecular Biosciences student received Travel Awards in Spring 2024.

Seven Students Mentored by MB Faculty Received Awards at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Seven Students mentored by MB Faculty members received awards at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium held April 15-19, 2024.

Study reports new compound halting replication of COVID by targeting ‘Mac-1’ protein in cell models

KU research shows for the first time that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can be inhibited from replicating in living cell cultures using a compound that targets “Mac-1,” a protein key to defending SARS-CoV-2 against the human immune response. The findings also hold promise that Mac…

Macie Proctor-Roser awarded Self Fellowship

Macie Proctor-Roser, PhD candidate in Molecular Biosciences has been awarded the Madison and Lila Self Fellowship.

KU announces new 2024-2028 Self Graduate Fellows

Fifteen incoming or first-year doctoral students at the Lawrence and Medical Center campuses will receive the Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year, marking the 35th anniversary of the program. The total value of the four-year fellowship exceeds $200,000.

Media Contacts

Nicole Suchy
Administrative Associate