2024 Newmark Award Finalists

This year four finalists were selected for the Newmark Award competition (from left to right): Kyle Gossman (Smith Lab, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology), Chien-Wei Wang (Whelan Lab, Department of Chemistry), Parker Sperstad (Holmstrom lab, Department of Molecular Biosciences), and Joseph O’Connor (Fehr lab, Department of Molecular Biosciences). The four finalists gave research seminars on April 8, 2024, to select the recipient of the award.
Congratulation to Chien-Wei Wang who was selected as the recipient of the 2024 Newmark Award!
The Newmark Award was set up to remember two biochemistry professors, Dr. Philip Newmark and Dr. Marjorie Newmark. This award is given to a KU graduate student for excellence in biochemistry research. The award comes with a certificate and $1,000 award.