Maggie Schedl

Maggie Schedl
  • Master's student
  • Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Contact Info


Advisor: Rob Unckless

Research Interests: Evolution, viruses, host-pathogen conflict

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri


B.A., Occidental College, Los Angeles, California

Selected Publications

Tsai, W. L. E., Schedl, M. E., Maley, J. M., & McCormack, J. E. (2019). More than skin and bones: Comparing extraction methods and alternative sources of DNA from avian museum specimens. Molecular Ecology Resources‐0998.13077

Selected Presentations

Schedl, M. E., Lotterhos, K., E., Harvey, J., A., Puritz, J., B.  CASE-ing Out the Transcriptomics of Multiple Coastal Stressors. Evolution conference, Providence, RI, June 2019. Poster presentation.

Schedl, M. E., Tsai, W. L. E., Maley, J. M., & McCormack, J. E. Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods from Museum Specimens. American Ornithological Society conference, Tucson, AZ, April 2018. Poster presentation.